Angelo Quit Motionless In White?!

So Angelo just tweeted saying that he was sorry and had a link to his tumblr. I knew it was something bad and I clicked on it and it was him saying that he has quit the band. I just started sobbing. I don't usually cry over bands, the only time I've cried is when Mitch Lucker passed away, but this just hit me really hard for some reason.

I never got to meet him, I've only talked to him on Twitter and just the fact that he quit is making me sad. Motionless In White has been that one band that I always listen too when I'm in a shitty mood, they always calm me down. I love each of the members and consider them my family and the fact that he's quitting just makes me feel like I lost someone. (even though I did but that's not the point)

He never really gave a "real" reason for quitting, he just said that the effects of being in a band has finally caught up to him. I'm thinking it might be the health problem he had talked about last year but I'm not sure. I know a lot of the fans are going to point the finger at his girlfriend and send her hate, because, well, as everyone has seen with Ricky and Jessica and Devin and Kylie, the fans can't seem to control their jealousy and want to blame everything on the girlfriends. Not saying all the fans do, but the really immature ones will.

I'm just waiting for a shit storm to blow up on Twitter.

I really hope whatever he decides to do with the rest of his life, he's happy.

I won't stop listening to MIW, even when they get a new drummer.

I'll continue to support them until the day I die.

I'll always be a Creature, no matter what happens with the band.

I just hope he's happy.
March 11th, 2013 at 10:56pm