Awanyu House Schedule, 1st year

●8-9 History of Magic with Achak Matic with Kokopelli and Yaponcha in room 203
●9-10:30 Charms with Giada Columbo with Kokopelli and Katsinam in room 115
●11-12 Magical Theory with Jonathan Eros with Yaponcha and Kokopelli in room 204
●1-2:30 Potions with Anthony McCaden with Katsinam and Kokopelli in room 322
●3-4 Study Hall/Free Time-Library
●4-5 Flying with Josephina Terzi (starts 2nd week you are here until then end of school) with Katsinam and Kokopelli in Quidditch pitch

●8-9:30 Herbology with Jackson Kozlov with Powamu and Yaponcha in Greenhouse 1B
●10-11 Astronomy-Cain Dupont with Kokopelli and Katsinam in room 401
●11-12 Study Hall/Free Time-Library
●1-2:30 Defense Against the Dark Arts with Andrew Bauman in room 312
●2:30-4 Transfiguration with Giselle Barret with Powamu and Katsinam in room 152Po
●4-5:30 Magizooloy with Augusto Rizzo with Yaponca and Kokopelli room 410

●8-9:30 Potions with Anthony McCaden with Katsinam and Kokopelli in room 322
●9-10 Study Hall/Free Time-Library
●10-11 Free Time
●11-12 Magical Theory with Jonathan Eros Yaponcha and Kokopelli in room 204
●1-2 Flying with Josephina Terzi (starts 2nd week you are here until then end of school) with Katsinam and Kokopelli in Quidditch pitch
●2-3:30 Charms with Giada Columbo with Kokopelli and Katsinam in room 115
●4-5 Free Time

●8-9:30 Transfiguration with Giselle Barret with Powamu and Katsinam in room 152
●10-11 History of Magic with Achak Matic with Kokopelli and Yaponcha in room 203
●11-12 Free time
●1-2:30 Herbology with Jackson Kozlov Powamu and Yaponcha in Greenhouse 1B
●3-4 Free Time
●4-5 Study Hall/Free Time-Library

●8-9:30 Defense Against the Dark Arts with Andrew Bauman with Kokopelli and Katsinam in room 312
●10-11 Free Time
●11-12 Magical Theory with Jonathan Eros with Yaponcha and Kokopelli in room 204
●1-2 History of Magic with Achak Matic with Kokopelli and Yaponcha in room 203
●2-3 Study Hall/Free Time-Library
●3-4:30 Magizooloy with Augusto Rizzo with Yaponca and Kokopelli room 410
●4:30-5 Free Time
●11pm-Mid-night: Astronomy-Cain Dupont with Kokopelli and Katsinam in room 401

Classes are 40 minutes each for singles and 80 minutes each for doubles. There is 15 minutes between classes to get to your next class. Since your Astronomy is at night you are allowed to be up until the class is dismissed then you are to go to bed right away. Study Halls are optional and don’t need to attend unless directed by a teacher. A teacher will be there to help students that need help in their classes and will not be the same person every day. The classes go from 8-4 normally with 4-5 being free time before dinner unless 1st years where 1 of the flying lessons will fall in the 4-5 classes. The beginning number corresponds to the buildings the classroom is in. There are 4 buildings of varying size that has classrooms, a main building holding the offices, library, kitchen, and dinning hall. There are the 5 pueblos/adobes complex that are the houses and hold the head of the houses bedroom and 1 pueblo/adobe house complex for the remaining teachers unless they live on the actual grounds. The quidditch pitch is closes to the Awanyu pueblo/adobe complex.

Suzie and Annie, Please note any free time you have, is not true free time. Your masters will have left something to do to continue what training you have to become a Jedi Knight especially if it is a big chunk. You are to get them done throughout the week using free time to do them and meet with them after breakfast Saturday to go over them and they have the weekends all planned but do not have the schedule from them for you two. I know they have allotted the evenings and the afternoon on Sunday to do your homework. If you get done with what they need to do, then they want you two to go over what you learned by your father and Luke Skywalker.
March 14th, 2013 at 06:03am