I'm So Sad Right Now. It's nearly Unbearable.

Hey guys I've been mourning the death of one of my all time favorite characters, Damian Wayne .
Image. He was, until recently, the newest Robin in the Batman and Robin lineup and the most awesome. Damian managed to get me into the swing of why Batman needs a Robin. Not to mention he was the most unique Robin as he was the bastard child of Bruce and Talia. Giving Bruce and Damian a very rocky and unique relationship. Created by my favorite writer Grant Morrison and made awesome by him as he went along. His death has impacted me so much it is hard for me to look at my old comics with him in it.

A couple weeks ago Damian was killed off by an accelerated clone of himself in Batman Incorporated 8.


It had been leaked the day before and I had prayed it would be like when Morrison killed Batman off in Batman RIP and Final Crisis Damian would just be sent hurdling back through time and space and would have to crawl back to the present while fighting cavemen and becoming a cowboy at one point.

Instead he gets impaled on a sword. Not even the, "we can slap a band aid on this," kind of thing. Like this picture kind of dead,


Yeah. He's gone.

I am hoping desperately he will be brought back to life in the next major DC event. However with a character called Harper Row popping up and seeming like she will be filling the spot of Robin I doubt this will happen for many years to come.

This whole month will be dedicated to Damian's death, and the latest issue of Batman and Robin made me cry, mainly at this scene of Bruce looking over Damian's things.


RIP Damian, even if you are never resurrected we will keep you in our hearts forever.
March 14th, 2013 at 07:39pm