Mibba's Book Club (COMING SOON)


As a writing site, we also have a ton of readers here on Mibba. The idea of book clubs on Mibba - both site-wide and individual clubs - has been tossed around a couple of times[1 + 2], so I thought we'd give it a quick trial run.

Right now we're in the process of gathering book recommendations for our first meeting - if you've got a book you'd like to recommend, you can do so in the 'Mibba Book Club' Trial Run thread.

For our first "meeting" it would be great if we do a book that's (1) a quick/easy read and (2) easily available for all Mibbians. As far as availability goes, we could either do a book that's popular (and therefore users can find them in any bookshop/superstore or at their local library) or we could do a published book that's being offered for free download either on the author's website or at a world-wide website like Amazon.

With Amazon, there are a lot of free books available for download via Kindle. Of course, not everyone has a Kindle, but you can download the free Kindle app for Google Chrome (so you can read the books on your computer) or you can download the free Kindle app for android phones/iPhones, tablets...

Once we get a book chosen - we'll probably do a poll to finalize our choice - we'll get up a thread with full Book Club info. Most likely, we'll have a stickied "Book Club" thread in the Books section, which is where all the discussion on that book will take place during the month. Then towards the last week of the month, we'll start looking for the next month's book.

We're hoping to expand this so that we'll have a few book discussions going each month - so we can cover a variety of genres each month and Mibbians are more likely to find something they're interested in reading with us. Maybe, if the site-wide book club idea goes well, we can move on to getting a book club sub-forum where Mibbians can form their own smaller, individual book clubs.

Anyway. Pretty psyched for the upcoming Mibba Book Club stuff! Be sure to check it out and keep your eyes open for more updates on that.

TL;DR:: Go rec' some books for the Mibba Book Club here.

March 16th, 2013 at 04:49pm