First off

A Blog? Wow, this site really is American.

My name is Clarkish Dwarf, weird name to choose I know, but every name has a tale behind it.
Except mine.
It's quite simple, really. My last name is soon to be Clark and I am around Five foot Two.
So you can probably put it together with that.
I live in the UK, a boring, small spot of land in Europe whose Government is self obsessed, with Education people trying to "get down with the kids" and changing the GCSE's every time someone catches a cold.
But, we do have our ups, Great Britain, even if there aren't many. I love my home, my family and my friends dearly, and would be no where else but with them. Even if I do hate tea.

What have I got against America?

Nothing at all. I love the USA, they're like the UK's little brother.

I mean, over here we wear uniforms.
When I asked a teacher this one Friday morning I was told "It's so children aren't bullied for what they wear."

I'm not messing, this was my face>>> -_-

If we didn't wear uniforms, we would be able to express ourselves more, have more things to say on the school bus instead of the seriously awkward awkward silences. Dress codes, no one likes them!
Well, I know I don't.
I hear over in America they don't wear uniforms.
I start daydreaming about America.

That's all I have to say.

So, as you can guess, I really don't like the school rules much, in fact, I don't like anything that stops people from having fun. And I know what stops me from having fun.

We all hate it's guts.
March 17th, 2013 at 11:19pm