Ed Sheeran has saved everyone.

Seriously, this is the worst St. Patrick's Day ever. I don't even think I want to go out and drink tonight, like that's how bad of a mood I'm in. Ok, so first off, when I did my workout today, I was too close to my dresser ('cause I work out in my room) and I was doing this move where I have to curl up in a ball basically and then sit up and I did it and ran straight into my dresser so that gave me a headache while I finished my workout. Then, I was eating an apple and my sister stole it and we were already out of the house so that was all I had to eat and I had to starve.

Then, I drove for two hours in the worst traffic ever, I got cut off, people rode my ass even though I was already going 90, and then I got stuck behind a slow semi. I drove through all of that to give my grandma her car back because her drunk -ss told me the other day that she was going to lend me her truck instead since it actually works but no, she doesn't remember that and so I drove all that way for nothing. Then, my brother in law was in front of me when I was trying to get home and he kept braking for no reason and going ten under the speed limit which pissed me off because I have bad road rage. He stopped at a green light and made me wait even longer to get home and when I finally get home and want to just eat and relax he tried to throw his kid on me so I would watch her while he goes bowling. No b-tch. Take care of your own kid, I'm cranky and want to slit your throat at this point.

I came home and realized that our puppy got into my laundry basket and chewed up all of my underwear and I'm just... I'm so done with today, like this sucks.

I'm Irish, where's my luck? I'm short, shouldn't that mean I'm a leprechaun and deserve some freaking luck? Where's my pot of gold, where's anything? Ugh, I just want to go to bed, everybody has made me cranky and I just want to roll around in my anger for a bit. I've been listening to Ed Sheeran for an hour now and he's slowly calming me down which is good for everyone around me because I'm about to rip their heads off, like no joke I'm so cranky.

Other than this obvious rant, I wanted to know if you all would read a horror story and actually help me with it. Like let me know if it's suspenseful enough or scary enough. I haven't written a horror story since I was twelve and my teacher recommended I go to therapy (psh, what does she know?). Anyway, if you will, that would be awesome.
March 18th, 2013 at 12:41am