A Thing on a Topic Nobody LIkes, But We All Have to Know

It Starts with a R. (Reminder this is all my personal opinion. If you do not agree, either act civil and comment on why you don't or just leave. Not looking for a fight, just here to branch out.)


I don't get why rape is such a big topic right now? I get it, it's wrong and not fair and all, but really? Do we need to preach it to people who already know that day in and out? The people who are out there doing it, frankly don't give a fuck about what you think. Rape has been around for the longest time and actually used to be a legal action by the king, thus the word "fuck".

Another thing, don't think that only girls can be raped. That's what pisses me off about this whole thing is that the girl is always the victim and the boy is always the culprit. NOT TRUE! Men can be raped (stats show just as likely as woman). However, over 80% of them never step forward or attempt for justice because there's never enough proof of rape, unlike their female counterpart (unless done by anal, in which case they won't report for the same reasons a woman wont report).

Basically, call me a bitch, a sexist, say I don't care, whatever. I do care, I have friends who have been raped, both female and male and I know what it does to people. My point is, it's never going away, no matter how hard you try. It's called the black market: sex slaves. As long as there is gangs and a drive, over population, and illegal human trade, there will always be rape. There are people born straight into it that don't even know they're being raped.

On the contrary, there is a way to control it to the average civilian. Instead of making stupid posts, or starting fights online with people, why not get the word out to attend a group session? For instance; I take self defense classes and then sum, and I always go to places with at least two other friends. Learn of how to protect yourself instead of repeating the same things over and over. Learn of how to get out of those situations. Learn how to take care and protect your body. Learn what areas are bad before going somewhere new. Educate and empower yourself to protect yourself from it happening (or happening again).

If we can all learn to protect ourselves and be educated on what we need to know street wise. Guess what? Rape will go away. Wanna know why? They won't be able to rape anyone. Think about it.
March 19th, 2013 at 01:30am