Road Trip Blog #7 (Trippin to Tally)

We finished up our last camp in the Orlando area on Wednesday, March 20th. It was later in the day but luckily we got rained out. I felt sick and had a runny nose and a soar throat. We got halfway through the first station before the rain started coming down really hard. Needless to say within ten minutes everyone who was a coach was soaked. We broke down the field as quick as we could but it still takes time. I finally got to wear my light rain jacket that I got last year at North Central. Getting out of that camp was exactly what I needed. I got a chance to get some food that wasn't fast food and I got to fall asleep around midnight.

I got to visit my brother Tuesday night after a camp. I expected to see his roommate or some of his friends but that didn't happen. His roommate got a flat tire and one of his friends had to work late. I brought Fred with me and we went to a place called Trick Shots. It was a place full of pool tables. We wanted to go there to play a few games and get some food but we arrived fifteen minutes after the kitchen closed so Fred and I only got to have some chips and salsa for our dinner. We left there and went over to a place called The Friendly Confines. It is basically a restaurant/bar that is Chicago based. I had mentioned it to Fred before and thought he would have liked it but he said it was a great concept but poorly executed. I felt a little let down. I was hoping for a bigger group of people but it was a Tuesday night and it was already past 1 o'clock. We went back to my brother's place once it closed and I got to finally see his new place. He moves a lot but he always seems to decorate his place nicely. It's a two bedroom place with an upstairs loft for his pool table. It's kind of a condo and duplex type of area in a gated community. It works for him because it's not too big to maintain but it's enough space for everyone. I crashed on his couch after having some moonshine for the first time. The flavored kind was awesome and was very smooth. The other kind "white lightning" was very strong that you could feel the burn on your lips almost. I wasn't awake long enough for it to really hit me I think. I didn't sleep very well that night and only added onto my pile of fatigue and lack of sleep. I tried to save some money this week by eating out at Wendy's, Taco Bell, and then always eating the free breakfast.

I'm now in Tallahassee, Florida and I'm staying in a new style of hotel for the next five days. I don't have the couch like in the last hotel but I'm okay with that because we have an office desk and a kitchen. The bathroom is also a lot bigger. I now have a chance to cook a couple things with the stove top and we have a dish washer. I went shopping to pick up some vegan foods. I have never tried some of these vegan burgers and sausages essentially. I made squash and rice tonight for dinner. I think I might need to take it easy on this off day since I still have not gotten over this cold.
March 22nd, 2013 at 01:20am