I need a time machine

My WinZip is infected, Avast can't fix it only possibly delete it, I'm scared to delete it and witness the blue screen of death AGAIN, I don't know how to put important files from WinZip to WinRAR and keep my PC alive....

I'm scared of technology and it's many many sicknesses.

Perhaps when I grow up I (I'm 20 and still growing up :D) will find a good job and invest a lot of money in saving computers from the many viruses out there. In doing so I could eliminate many worldly problems. Or make them worse since people are so ADDICTED to the internet. I know. I'm one of them. But I have no hard copies of my stories. NONE AT ALL. So when my computer dies I lose not only my dear Riptide but over twenty original, fan-fictions, and original Chosen One stories. Those are the stories that will kill me in the end, but are WORTH IT. I was a wreck and now I cannot stand seeing anything that resembles a blue screen of death. Traumatized for the win.

But in ten minutes my boyfriend gets off work. He's good with computers and might be able to help me. If not, my uncle told me to bring it to him this weekend.

Will it survive???

Oh, the time machine title? I wanna go back in time to where I actually had hard copies of every story I wrote and couldn't care less if I had a computer with internet or not. I wanna be where all I need is a phone to call, paper and pencil, and ONE kind of game console. That is where I wanna be.

Anyone agree?
March 27th, 2013 at 10:53pm