first ever blog

So this is gonna be pretty much my first ever real post on mibba asides from the odd comment here and there. I'm Jaz, I live in the UK (for now) and I like pop punk music (mainly) and video games among other things.

So with that brief intro out of the I guess I'm going to address this whole MCR breaking up thing which I can see has upset a lot of people and to be honest if my favorite band of all time, Fall Out Boy hadn't just reformed I'd probably be one of them. I used to be one of those crazy super fans so while I'll be sad to see them go this won't affect me nearly as badly as it would of done when I was in high school. The news did however take me by surprise as I thought they were working on a new album but there were no tears shed. I wonder if they will actually say why they split it'd be interesting to hear.

Oh and does anyone have Dead Space 3 on the Xbox because I need someone to do the co-op campaign with.
March 28th, 2013 at 04:19am