Good golly.

I did it!

I started another story. Kinda pumped about it, not gonna lie. I'm going to try to keep it interesting, although I know that it could easily start to go cliched and predictable. I'm excited to try to tackle it though. The idea just has me excited.

In other, unimportant news.

I'll probably try to start this beauty today at some point and also I'm hoping to update my baby at some point this weekend.

This demands attention from me as well.
I need to be stopped.


In other news, I can't stop making blog layouts.

Want one? I can try. I'm bored, and until inspiration flits back into my mind, I might as well be productive, right?


Request form.
1. Characters/pictures/something you would want for a banner.
2. Picture/character/quote you would like behind the time. (if you would like one. If not, leave field blank.)
3. Colors you would like.
4. Font type/size you prefer in the body.
5. Any other details you'd like to add.

I try to work as quickly as possible, but when my parents get home we may be dying Easter eggs, so expect them no later than Sunday evening. C:
March 29th, 2013 at 09:22pm