I did it again!

That's twice in one day, Mibba. I am so proud of myself. I actually started two new stories that I'm super excited about and I did them in the same day and I kept them straight and didn't mix the ideas up.

So many feels.

I haven't written this much in so long. Like, I'm pretty sure I haven't written this much since I got really depressed and wanted to fall off the face of the Earth.

But ye. I'm excited.

Even more excited to update my already existing stories and maybe crank out some Supernatural themed one-shots.

Or possible some PTV ones who knows.

By the way, if you would like a small free thing, go here.

If you would like to see my hot stuff list for this week, go here.

Hpe you guys are having a lovely day!
March 30th, 2013 at 12:31am