Holy Cow. O_O Lots of things and such.

Well I haven't been as "Active" as I wanted to be on here because I was reading an amazing story called "One Track Ming, Four Track Heart" By CatiexBear on here I just couldn't stop ((:

I would also LOVE to thank Grump Bunny for the amazing layout she made me ((: it is perfectly done ((:

Anyways I haven't been up to much here lately and that's do to pure uninspired thoughts U.U I've been trying to listen to music of all sorts, photography, movies, shows, and even drawing. But nothing seems to catch my attention anymore. But reading people's stories on here has helped me a lot so I want to thank everyone on here, you guys are so much help.

I guess I can ask a bunch of questions to start a conversation(: And yes I'll answer them also at the bottom (:

1. What is your favorite type of music?
2. What is your favorite band/artists?
3. Where was your last vacation or place you went that was fun in your opinion?
4. Favorite Animal?
5. and finally what is your favorite movie?

My answers:

1. Indie
2. The Smiths
3. I went to Richmond with my boyfriend ^.^
4. Horses
5. The Lion King

I guess I can put up a few of pictures that I've taken, so here you go:
The first picture is of my boyfriend and I's feetsies. (:
The second one is a cat that was on our porch one day and I feed her. So pretty ((:
And the last one is of my boyfriend ^.^ Such a cutie ((:




Well have a exciting day ((: This post was completely random I know and sorry about that. :/ It's just because I didn't post anything on here yesterday, so I felt a little lost :P
March 30th, 2013 at 01:50am