True Love is a Choice

I know it's been a while since I've been on here but, I wrote this a while back and I thought I would share it.


How can you break my heart so easily? Without a thought.
With one word you make me hate you. With two, it’s like it never happened.
I love you more than before.
You are more easily forgiven than you deserve.
You are my love.
I wish you to be mine forever.
You promise to never hurt me again. But everyone knows promises like these are meant to be broken, intentionally or not.
Love looks past faults, because love its self is not perfect.
Real love, true love, does not only exist in fairy tales.
It just doesn’t look the way you might think.
True love fights, but also resolves problems.
Communication and compromise along with prayer and faith are what makes true love strive.
Faith that God put you with this person for a reason, and that no matter what problems you might have he will be there, and help you, and your true love survive!
Satan tries to make us doubt our love.
We must never forget this.
March 30th, 2013 at 04:08am