ok Now for the real stuff! 3/29/12

Ack! It's been so long! I really should do these more often. The chronicles of my life. To think I was last worried about being in the same room alone with the man who is now my fiancee! We have learned much since then. lol Ah, August 24 can't come quick enough!
Still on track with graduating my college program in May. Lots of wedding plans still to figure out. ;) Honeymoon is all squared away though. I think that's one of the few things that were easy to do. I'm still writing, but have less and less time for it with all my school stuff. Now to find a job after school! That is the big thing right now. Yes, bigger than the wedding. That is a for sure thing. The job situation not so much.
I'll write again soon!!!! (Probably salty lies) xoxoxo
March 30th, 2013 at 04:17am