Easter Goodies.

Hullo, everyone! I doubt any of you know who I am, as I'm not really active on the blogs anymore, but I use to be LavenderRouge. I don't know if that'll help many remember me, as I was gone for quite a while.

Anyway, I thought I'd do an Easter giveaway sort of thing. Many people have been doing it and it sounds fun, not to mention you get to interact with more people on Mibba and do something nice. So, if you're interested, then read down below.

What you have to do:
1. Recommend this blog so other people have a chance to see it.
2. Introduce yourself (tell me your name, what you like to write, what you like to read, etc.) when you comment for an Easter prize.

The Prizes:
A golden egg. (0/3)
a comment/review on one of your stories.

A blue and white striped egg. (6/8)
a recc of one of my favorite stories that you've written.

A purple polka-dotted egg. (7/8)
a comment on my favorite picture that you've posted.

A chocolate bunny. (2/3)
a layout for a story/blog/poem. etc.

An Easter basket. (0/1)
a combination of 3.

The Rules:
1. You can only pick one prize. There aren't very many and it wouldn't be fair to those who see this blog late or last if someone has taken everything.

By the way: if you notice, I didn't include a friend request as a prize. I did that because it would be nice if you all sent me one. Now that you can recommend things on Mibba, I like to be friends with as many people as possible, if only just to see what it is they're reccing.

And, that's it. Happy Easter! ^_^
March 30th, 2013 at 09:15pm