Oh dem feelz of making friends with a band.

I finally got to hang out with my new favorite local band [url=www.fisttothesky.com]Fist To The Sky[/url] last night!!! I linked their website, because seriously, if you guys love hard rock/metal then you need to listen to these guys. I promise that if you like the music I do, you'll love them.

This is me with them last night!

Members in the picture from left are Drummer JD (Jason), lead singer/Bassist Mickey Murder (Mike) Guitarist/Backup vocals Hollywood (Nick), Lead Guitarist/Backup vocals Flipp (Phil)They are probably the most adorable, sweetest, funniest, nicest, most talented guys you'll ever get a chance to meet. Seriously.

I fell in love with them after I saw them open up for another one of my favorite bands back in November. I liked themon Facebook, where they'll actually respond to you! And they were playing a show on March 29th that I had been determined to get to so I could hang with them. I was freaking terrified though because I felt so awkward for A: going to the show alone, and B: wondering if I'd come off as a creeper while trying to break the ice and talk to them. JD had told me earlier that day to make sure I said hi to them! LOL

They freaking recognized me from Facebook!!! I creeped into the show they were playing at and stayed in the back during the opening band. After that band finished and were tearing down their gear, Fist was getting warmed up for their set. The venue was a room the size of my bedroom pretty much, and 85% of the crowd were the bands that were playing and their friends/girlfriends. So the guys of Fist were walking around and starting to warm up and prepare to set up their gear. I glanced behind me and made eye contact with Phil who literally went "OH-HAAAYYYY!!!!!" then proceeded to give me a hug and say he was glad I made it out. Then he asked if the others had seen me yet and at that moment, Nick and Mike were walking up and I waved at them and they recognized me too and gave hugs. Nick was all "I'm glad you made it out...because nobody else did..." As they warmed up, we chatted and laughed for a bit. Mike was wearing skeleton gloves and got close to me and said "In case you were wondering: these aren't my real bones..." Shortly after that, Phil was stretching, turned to me and said "I can go lower than this..." XD

I scooted away to lean against the pool table whiel they were running their gear to set up. During that time, JD had run from the "Stage" (which wasn't really a state, it was the corner of the room) to grab more of his drum kit, and then I made eye contact with him and waved. While in speed mode he was all "OHAYY!!!" And then in his second passing said "I'll talk to you when I finish setting up."

Well they played a great set to the 20 of us in the room (and the 7 or so of us that were there for them) They were by their merch table hanging out with a family that had younger kids, then took pictures with them, chatted with them, and then another person. I didn't get a chance to hang yet before the third band started their set. I stayed and watched because I was determined to hang with Fist a bit more. JD was wandering around, went out for a smoke, and during the third band, he had basically attacked me with a hug.

So the third band finally finishes and I creep in front of Fist's merch table. They asked if I was leaving and I said "Soon, but I was hoping to get a picture with you guys before I took off..." Nick had gone to get their truck/trailer so I stuck around and talked to the other three for a bit. Talking about where I was living, how far I drove in, talked about my job and stuff. Basically hung out for a good 10 or so minutes just chatting. After the pictures, we exchanged another round of hugs before I took off and headed home. My god it was amazing.

Seriously, if you took all the time to read this, then you should to check this band out and help support them/spread the word. They're great guys, super talented (JD drums like The fucking Rev!!! It's amazing!) and they deserve to make it big, but they can only do that if word of their music gets spread around. Oh, and they give such amazing hugs. WHO DOESN'T LIKE HUGS!?!?!?!? SERIOUSLY!?

Oh dem feelz!!! *Squees*
March 31st, 2013 at 08:56am