Fandoms, why can't you get along?!

I am a part of a lot of fandoms. 3 in particular. I'm a Directioner, but I also am completely in love with goth and rock bands such as Black Veil Brides, All Time Low, Halestorm, etc. etc.
All my Directioner friends are so disgusted when I speak of these said bands. Why?! Have they done something to you? No? Then shut up and sit down. And the same with my friends that are fans of rock music. They're all like, "Dude, seriously. You're obsessed with 5 gay lords that are almost as bad as Justin Bieber?! Get a life, man." And I'm like, DUDE, THEY'VE DONE NOTHING TO YOU! If you really despise them that bad, then stay away from each other! When their songs come on the radio, switch it off! Just don't hate. Justin Bieber is a fine example. I know Beliebers are a bit stupid and over-excessive(cough cough Cut For Bieber cough cough), but that doesn't mean that everyone has to hate! Leave everyone to play with their own fandoms. It's not as if they are forcing you to join the fandom.
I'm not just speaking of music here people. The other fandom in particular happens to be an old film. A 1980's cult vampire film to be exact, called The Lost Boys. And all the people I know that is my age is like "Eww that sounds gross! It's so old! I can't believe you're into that! And Marko? He looks weird!" I mean come on! You have your hobbies, and I have mine. Drooling over The Lost Boys just has to be one of them. Have you ever seen The Lost Boys?! No? WELL THEN SHUT UP!

Sorry, rant is over:)
April 1st, 2013 at 06:56pm