Something of an Introduction...?

Hello! I'm not quite sure how many people will actually read this, but I figured that, for those lovely people who made their way to this entry, I'd introduce myself.

My name's Jordan, though I've used and been called the name Ecstasy (or Thirteen... usrnme reference much?), and I live in cold-ass-Minnesota. Tell me if you're going to Warped Tour. I'm at an age beyond years (past the silly 22 that lurks on my profile) and I consider myself a mythical creature. Not really, but that's super fun to write down. Plus, I've been re-re-reading The Lord of the Rings, and I'm still obsessed... LotR has the best fuckin' fanbase... ever...

My daily life is fairly mundane (in my opinion, though you might find something of value), consisting of drab days of whore-filled school and taxing gymnastics practices with my bitch of a coach, with my only relief being my art, writing, and the occasional trip to an orchestra, play or concert. And music. How could I forget music?! (I didn't actually, but it adds to the effect).

I spend literally all my money on music- digital, records, and the various software that is required for the ULTIMATE LISTENING EXPERIENCE. I listen to artists such as Black Veil Brides, Get Scared, Escape the Fate, Emilie Autumn, Infected Mushroom, Ghost Town, Tokio Hotel, Joel Faviere, Sum 41, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Icon For Hire, Sonata Artica, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance (I've still got my hopes up! {A rather useless endeavour that's bound to end in flames}) and Falling in Reverse, along with classics like Bon Jovi, KISS, Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, the Ramones, the Adicts, the Misfits, the Cure and Pink Floyd.

When I grow older (not up, for I'm stopping at 5'2": my height now), I want to be a musician, most specifically a singer or bassist, which I hope to accomplis with my bass, Rosie.

An obvious fact is that I write a lot, much of it being bandslash (fuck OCs). My Chemical Romance, along with Green Day and Iron Maiden, were really the first "alternative" bands that I got into, after seeking refuge from shit like the Jonas Brothers and High School Musical. That in itself spawned my love for smutty fanfiction, which I think are both very good things.

A few random facts about me are these: 1) I have a slight obsession with naming things, such as my iPod "Michelle", and my boots, "Andy" and "Pansy". 2) I was lying. I actually really like High School Musical; I own all the movies, own all the soundtracks, and even have books of, like, movie secrets and shit about the characters. 3) I FUCKING LOVE CATS. If they're not my soul animal, then I don't know what is. If you know my tumblr (same usrnme and everything), you'll see that I have a lot of cats on my blog... :3

And finally, 4) I'm a really slow updater! Sometimes I'll have this writing kick, and start, like, five new stories, but then in a week, it'll fade off. I suck at motivating myself. Sorry.

So that's it for now! If anyone actually reads this, or comments on it, I'll probably make more of these, featuring just me rambling.

What the hell, I'm probably going to do some more of this shit, anyway.


PS. I swear a lot, if you haven't figured that out already.
April 2nd, 2013 at 07:03am