Can you not. Gay Marriage Rant

What the crap.

I mean there is noting wrong with two people getting married that love each other.

Notice I said people, as in EVERYONE!

I know majority of people in the world are for it, and really the argument is just old.

Stop using religion as a platform against it. This is America and we have FREEDOM OF RELIGION.

So shut up about it being a sin, because you know what your sinning right now.


Well it's a sin to cuss, wear mixed blends (aka your shirt, underwear, pants, socks ect.) , paint your face with makeup, pierce your skin(that means ears to), oh and play football.

Oh yeah, and having sex out of wedlock, but you do it anyway.


Also your points are invalid.

"God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."

- One if "God" made us, then he made the Gay people too.

- God also made Hitler, and look at what he did.

"...Then people could start marring their dogs..."

- Shut up. There's laws against that, and nowhere does it say anything against Gay Marriage.

- Thank you for comparing the lifestyles of some people you know to people who sleep with real dogs, I bet your their favorite person right now.

"...ruin the sanctity of Marriage.."

- If this was true then why can people get a divorce?


Look all I'm saying is that if your really a true Christian, or Lutheran, or Methodist, or what ever you may believe in ; then just stop the judging.

That's His job on judgement day.

Just open your mind so one day we can be within reaching distance of World Peace.

Don't be offended if a Gay person calls you attractive, it's a complement.

Gay people are just that, People.

Don't teach Hate, teach acceptance because in the end that all anyone wants.

Most of us were told that God made us the way we are, and He loves us for who we became.

So why are you telling the Gay kids that God hates them?
April 2nd, 2013 at 07:18am