My life in a Nutshell

Well currently in my life I finally finishing this nasty relationship I have with my mother. Basically 12 years have past since she destroyed my childhood, I'm not kidding every year since I was five I was in court at least once or twice a year. The worst time was when I was 10 I missed an entire week of school because of a cort battle. I don't think I can blame her for this maybe it's just my personality but I feel that she's the resone that I find it hard to trust people you can ask anyone I know and they'd tell you how long it took for them to even learn my name and not even half of them are my friend. Those that are my friends had a distant relationship with me at first till about a year after I "befriended" them. Not even my best friend was really close to me till last year and this guy is the best. My father is another story grate guy I still don't understand why he was with my mom, seriously she didn't deserve him. I know that might of canceled my existence but hey I'd rather him being happy instead of me being born because since my birth he's been working like a dog at 2:00am to 2:00pm every day except Wednesday. And five years later she leaves him (well that's what I'm told I really don't know what happened). After that I was in court every year because my dad saw that she wasn't taking care of me like she promised she would. As I grow older I saw what my dad was fighting for and started fighting myself for a better home and for people who acutely loved me. By then I had a stepmom, she's the greatest ever since I knew her she treated me like her son. From the vary first day and even now I'm writing this she treats me like her own flesh and blood. I'll be honest when I first met her I called her by her first name but a few weeks later I called her mom with out being told just flat out called her mom. She never told me to stop. The thing I love most about her is that she is determined and will push me to do things I'm scared of doing because I don't think I can do it or because I feel like I don't belong. The thing that sticks out and always will stick out was that she taught me how to read when I was in my second year of first grade because my birth mom "couldn't" (I'm sure she couldn't be bothered to do so) and it sounds simple teaching some one how to read but what'd she do with me was before bed or on our spare time she'd read me a paragraph from a book and then I'd repeat the paragraph while looking at the words putting the sounds together with the letters. It was a difficult task because I was stubborn at first but when I was getting better I enjoyed it more and more and now I love reading best past time beside writing. When I couldn't read I felt stupid and didn't talk to anyone at school really and being older then every one by a year didn't help my self-confidence at all, she helped me catch up, helped me learn to move on and even now when I feel stupid compared to other kids I know because I was held back she makes me feel better. She is truly the nicest person I know and is my mother no matter what. She does so much for me that I can't write everything down. Back to my father the most loyal person I know, no matter what he'll take care of me and defend me. He's the best I mean he's my father I don't know what I can say about him but what I already said and I know it's short what I've said but what he's done for me and my brothers just can't be explained. Now my family isn't prefect sometimes I wanna kill my Mom and Dad but only for a moment and then I kick myself for thinking about it. I have to younger brothers one is two years younger then me and thinks he's a bad-ass but is pretty chill and will stand by me if push comes to shove, the other is eight years younger and basically my middle brother's clone it's really funny. I love both these clowns but you know every sibling fights and we've had are duels before and will more or less have more in the future but no matter what where brothers and will stand be each other. Well I don't know why I started talking about my past or most of it at least. Well the highlights of my current life I have a great girlfriend at the moment she's the best, I've been sleeping better since my past years the nightmares went away mostly. I have the best friends I can ever want and I wouldn't trad them for anything in the world. I finally have a plane for college I wanna study History to become a teacher and I'd like to minor in creative writing. Stressing out on the SATs but I'm working on that so ya. I have the best relationship with my Mom and Dad then I've had in years. I'm turning 18 in 23 days so fuck ya! No haha I'm actually not in a big hurry to be an adult would rather be a kid for few more years but hey you got to grow up sometime right? Anyway I'm starting to drone the one good thing that I'm happy about being 18 would be being able to be ride of my birth mom I know I'm sounding like a dick talking trash about her but you could only imagine what it's like fighting with some one that close to you mentally and physically every day of your life and how much your feelings towards that person start to turn to hatred. I mean if she really cared about me wouldn't she of taught me how to read, wouldn't she have gotten me glasses when I ran into that glass door and almost broke my nose again? Or wouldn't she of come and picked me up when I was sick at school and coughing so badly blood blood came out? Or when I had that conference with my teacher because I was passing out in class cause I couldn't sleep at night. That's just the basics that she slipped up on there's a long list. But that's enough I've talked to much if who ever reads this got this far I'm surprised you stayed for the ride I'd figure you jump out by now oh well thanks for staying and good bye
April 2nd, 2013 at 07:23am