Not showing off your body doesn't make you a better person. | Skyrim.

Seriously, if you're one of those people that thinks that you're a better person because you don't show off your body, then don't ever talk to me. The amount of clothes you wear is not equal to the amount of respect you deserve, nor is it equal to the amount of self-respect you have. If you think differently, again, just don't talk to me. Because, frankly, I don't want to talk to someone who thinks they're a better person than me simply because of clothes. That's ridiculous.

What is so wrong with me showing off my body? Because it should only be for my partner? No. My body is mine, mine to love and mine to control. And if you think that people dressing provocatively causes rape/sexual assault, then just turn around and go find some place to educate yourself. People had no problem assaulting women when they wore full skirts to their feet and petticoats and corsets, so do you honestly believe that not wearing mini skirts or tank tops is gonna stop sexual assault?

Seriously, just stop. Stop. Stop and go away. Rape culture is a thing and by slut-shaming you are contributing to rape culture. True story bro.


In other news, I've been playing Skyrim pretty much non-stop and it lead to me writing a backstory for my character (she's not the dragonborn, as a heads-up) and it's here and you should read it.

I'm thinking of writing a few other Skyrim stories, and I'm curious as to how many people would read them? Or what other games people would read fan-fiction of. Because I have my Left4Dead story and me and my best-friends co-write of Silent Hill and y'all should go read them and be awesome and stuff so yeah.

Amy out.
April 3rd, 2013 at 08:53pm