Really Important Blog About Katie Mosing - In Which, I Cry

I'm not really sure what kind of intro to give this blog and my hands are shaking like crazy so I'm just going to get right to it.

If you know Katie, you may know that she got her wisdom teeth out last Friday. It's all she's been talking about for the last few days, because that's how she is. You know.

Her surgery went really well and we thought she was healing up nicely, but last night she started getting a really bad pain in her lower jaw/collarbone area. She posted this crazy blog about how she was hurting, and obviously, Katie as weird as she is, I though she was just exaggerating.

If you guys know Katie and I both, you may know that we're roommates and live in an apartment together, right? Yes. Well, when I woke up for class this morning around 6, Katie was laying in our bathroom sobbing because she was in so much pain and Katie never cries, so I knew it wasn't just a regular pain. She said that she hadn't slept all night because the pain was too bad and she'd already taken her medicine and it wasn't helping.

Katie looked bad. Her eyes were all bloodshot. Her face was pale. She was shaking like crazy. She just looked really sick, guys. So I felt her head and she was burning up. That was the hottest I've ever felt someone in my entire life and she had the craziest chills. It was just the most insane thing ever. I can't even find words to describe it and my hands are shaking so bad right now I can barely type this. Ack.

I didn't know what to do so I called her dad and he said he'd stop by on his way to work, because he lives pretty close to us. After like fifteen minutes he showed up and if you know anything about Katie's dad, you know that he is absolutely obsessed with her, so he decided we needed to take her to the hospital. We got to the hospital real fast because it's close to our apartment (like everything in CoMo) but of course we had to wait forever in the waiting room before someone saw us (only like 15 minutes but it felt like forever). I didn't get to go back with her or anything but her dad and it felt like they were gone forever too.

And now is the part where I can't control my crying and I'm shaking like crazy again.

Katie had a 106 degree fever when we got her to the hospital. 106. They had to put ice on her like some crazy movie to get it down. Her dad said she was shaking like crazy and could hardly open her eyes. They kicked him out of the room so they could figure out what was going on with her and he and I were in the waiting room about half an hour before they finally came back. Which, I guess, wasn't that long.

They let her dad go into the room so they could tell him what was going on with her and it was about another half an hour before he came back to the waiting room and told me.

Katie has a staph infection. A staph infection. Staph. I'm not usually the type to cuss, but seriously, what the fuck? How does that happen? She got her wisdom teeth taken out. Her fucking wisdom teeth. They do that kind of stuff all the time and she got a staph infection. I just don't get it. It doesn't make any sense. It's not fair.

The doctors said they got her fever down, but they put her on some heavy medicine to knock her out because she was in a lot of pain. They said she's going to have to stay in the hospital for a while while they get her on an antibiotic regiment and find out if they have to do surgery or not.

Her dad brought me home so I could get my stuff for class because I have a lab, but as soon as it gets out I'm gonna go back to the hospital and hopefully see her and pick up some Subway for her dad because it's his favorite.

This is probably the part where I'm not going to make sense at all and I'm not going to use a filter because seriously, what the fuck?! She was fine yesterday. She was fine most of the morning. She was even sort of fine last night. But now she's not. She's in the hospital, knocked out, because she has a staph infection from her wisdom teeth. That's not supposed to happen. She's supposed to get dry sockets or have puffy cheeks, not get a staph infection.

This can't happen to Katie. She has class she can't miss and she needs to go to work. She has to finish watching Lost and she has to go see Evil Dead with me on Friday. She has to watch the new episode of RuPaul and she has a paper do next week. She has to watch movies with me and study with me and help me clean the apartment. She can't be in the hospital. She can't be sick. This can't happen to her.

But I guess the point of this blog was to let you guys know that Katie is going to be away, but hopefully it will only be a short while. I know how much you guys mean to her, so I'm sure she's going to be freaking out about being away from the Mibbs when she wakes up. Maybe they'll let her use her phone or I could bring her laptop or something. Do they let you do that? I don't know. I've never been in the ajks35iuaddlhf hospital before.

I don't think Katie will be writing for a while and I'm sure she's gonna be devastated about holding her co-writes up because you guys know she is a freak like that. I'll just go ahead and apologize for her: All of her co-authors, Katie is so sorry about not being able to update. Try not to nag her like she does you.

If you want to send Katie some love while she's away, I'm sure she'll love to see it when she gets back. If you want me to keep you updated on how Katie's doing, just let me know. I still don't know much myself right now but I'll try to let all her friends know everything I do.

I just want my best friend to get better. She's my best friend in the whole entire world and I just want her back. The apartment is so quiet without her here, but if you know Katie, you probably could have guessed that. I just want Katie back. Someone bring Katie back to me.

I just realized this whole blog probably made no sense, but I can't think well enough to make any more sense of it.
April 4th, 2013 at 05:04pm