I'm exhausted, and I don't want to go to the gym.

Srys bizness tho.

I just want to curl up here with a giant plate of pizza rolls, a flash drive full of Wolf's Rain, and story updates buzzing around my brain. And my aunt's five cats on my lap. YES I'M STILL OVER THERE.

But sadly, I cannot. Wookie said he would come and get me. And as much as I love the idea of getting a break from my great aunt's house and cats and go somewhere that isn't work, I really don't want to go, I just want to be left alone here because I DON'T WANT TO WORK OUT RIGHT NOW, OKAY?

But I already said I would go. Here's to hoping I don't die on the treadmill.


On another note, one of my co-workers ran out of the store crying today. Not even joking.

She claimed that another employee: "Hurt her feelings in an indescribable way". Uber dramatic, and not 100% truthful, either. Late me 'splain.

So, I work in the cosmetics department, which is basically right in front of the deli. Weird, right? It's a small store. They wanted a deli, so yeah. So I can hear a lot of the stuff that's said, particularly when it's screamed.

Well, a customer accidentally broke a jar of mayonnaise, so my co-worker, A, called a stock person to the deli with a mop.

Now, our stock people are responsible for a million and one things.

Stock person, N, was actually running a register because we were busy up front and they needed another cashier. And stock person S was in the stock room working on receiving an order.

Let me take this moment in time to point out the fact that there were two deli workers there at the time, one of which wasn't doing anything but standing around, and all employees know how to get the mop and bucket and wipe the floor.

But A, she gets angry because her page wasn't answered the first time, so she pages again. Rather than going and getting the mop for herself.

Once N finally does get a chance to breathe get the mop, A goes on a rampage about how slow everyone is, and goes to find my manager and screams that nobody can do what they're supposed to.

Now, S (And I.) heard the entire thing. S goes and tells A that maybe she should be considerate of the fact that they have other things to do, and maybe one of the deli workers could have gotten the mop, just this once.

A starts to turn beet red, and she screams at the top of her lungs that "maybe the stupid stock people should just do their damn jobs instead of standing around with their thumbs up their asses".

S tells her to calm down.

She screams back that she's "tired of being so disrespected by these stupid ass stock monkeys". She tells everyone that she's insulted, throws down her apron, and breezes out of the store with tears running down her cheeks.


I couldn't. I still can't.


Anyway. How are you lovely people today?
April 5th, 2013 at 01:56am