So, today, I found out...

That my iPod which I have been looking up and down for fell out of my pocket in the parking lot at work and I didn't notice and now it is gone forever.

I have been freaking out trying to find this iPod. Crying over this iPod. Losing sleep over this iPod. And today, I nearly threw up because of this iPod.

"What makes it such a big deal?" You may or may not ask.

Well. If I had bought it for myself, I'd be pretty pissed at myself for losing it. But it was a birthday present from my Wookie.

And, no, it's not like he would get made at me over it. I just feel awful. Really awful.

Back to my story about today though.

I was walking through the parking lot today to get to my aunt's car, and as I was passing by one of the light poles in the lot, I happened to look down and there were my earbuds, all smushed and broken and, surprise surprise, no iPod anywhere around.

I just can't even right now.

I'm crying as I type this because I feel so bad, even though I know he'll be understanding.

It's just...

People don't give me nice things.

And the fact that this happened makes me really angry with myself.
And I can't stop crying.
April 5th, 2013 at 05:39am