Joined the bandwagon and did the Mibba Accent Challenge! Don't think I'm weird? Check this out.

I'm sorry I mumble.
I'm sorry I say "like" about every other second.
I'm sorry I sound stupid.
I'm sorry for a lot of things in this Accent Challenge video.

I hope that you'll enjoy my weird faces throughout the whole video. I'm extremely weird during the day, but I'm even weirder during the night. It's when my inner freak comes out.


Okay, so now that that's out of my system, I'll start talking about the challenge. So, last night I was originally hoping to put this up, but I was really tired so I ended up going to bed instead. As the clip thing says, I was just bored and looking for a way to pass the time. I'm sorry I ramble on in the video, too, by the way. Anyways, you'll see a whole brand new me you never thought possible. I don't know. I'm weird.

So yes, I was inspired by a lot of other Mibbians as well. mia san mia, if you're reading this, I love your accent. It is so posh and I love it to bits. Like everybody dies; says, I would love to have your accent! Haha, so without further ado, I suppose I shall present to you my accent challenge video!

Mibba Accent Challenge Questions

1. Your name and username.

2. Where you're from.

3. Pronounce the following words:
Out, About, College, Almond, Look, Book, Route, Garage, Vitamin, Zebra, Water, Aluminium, Puppy, Derby, Caramel, Tea, Electric Kettle, Premier, and Mibba.

4. What do you call the area outside buildings where multiple vehicles park?

5. What is a bubbly carbonated drink called?

6. What do you call gym shoes?

7. What do you call your grandparents?

8. What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?

9. What is the thing you change the TV channel with?

10. Read a passage from a book.

11. End by saying any 3 words you want!

C'mon fellow Mibbians, join the party! :p
April 6th, 2013 at 12:24am