I've Got a Challenge for you Mibbians!

Yes, I know, there's already the accent challenge going on which I would do if it weren't for my MP3 spazzing out on me. -.- *sighs* It won't charge.

Anyways, now for the challenge. This is a writing challenge. :D

I want you guys to pick five random songs from your music list, and then post them. Have people vote on a song and whichever song gets the most votes is the one you'll use. When the song is decided on, sit down, put the song on repeat and write whatever comes to mind. It can be as long as you want it, but as far as how short, it should be at least a paragraph long. When you get done writing, post it on mibba and let people read it. I wanna see what some of you come up with. :) Be sure to include the song, so people know what it's based on. What you write can be anything, a poem, a journal, a short story, drabble, it doesn't matter and it can be any genre.

Anyone who participates will get a free profile recommendation and a story rec of their choice.

Now that I'm done explaining, I've already picked out my five songs, so I need you to vote.

1. Hearts Burst Into Fire
2. The Day You Died
3. The Rock Show
4. Beast Within
5. War

Try to pick the title that appeals most to you, and not just if you know or don't know a song.

Something extra, don't post the artist or any lyrics of the song. If someone hasn't heard a song, don't let them look it up and don't post a link to it or anything like that until you're done writing.

Are you guys up for it?
April 6th, 2013 at 06:21am