Do I wing the Long Distance relationship or someone who's close to me?

I need some advice, guys. I'm really confused and never have I ever felt this way or had this problem before. I'm posting it on here cause I could use other's opinion to help think this out. Also, the two girls I'm talking about both follow me on tumblr and twitter to yeah.

Okay, so there is this girl that I've been talking to over tumblr and twitter for almost a year now. We've skyped, called each other, text and so on mostly everyday.About silly, and pointless things. We would share each others problems, here each other out. We would even call each other cute and so on. The smallest things she would say to me would make me feel really happy and wanted. But I like her a lot and I've told her this several times..And she never said she likes me back. So I'm not sure if she feels the same. But the problem is that she lives in Canada, 3 hours away from me. We're both 16. This might sound pathetic but I actually cried over her a few months ago over her cause I dont believe in long distance relationship. Plus they scare the hell out of me.

Now there is this girl i've been talking on twitter/tumblr for awhile. Lets say about 4 months? I dont know her much but she said I'm cute and so on.... Well fuck.. I meet her April 1st at OM&M's concert downtown. We laughed and had fun. Part of me wants to like her, you know? But then I stop myself because what about the girl in Canada?

After I meet her, they would both tweet me...Text me, dm me. At that same time mostly. And it creeps me out. So I dm her yesterday. I asked her if she felt the same and that I was so confuse if I should wait for her or to move on. She said she likes me back a lot but understands the whole distance thing and the conversation ended with "Move on, it's ok. :)" and it hurt me. I was crying so hard to the point I didnt want to leave my room at all. I felt so hurt and I dont know why. If I move on, I would, or might feel like I've made a mistake. I feel like I've messed up telling her that. I was crying, crying up to dry tears for this girl so that should mean something, right? What if she was really the one and I moved on already to like the girl who lives in my hometown? Why did it hurt me so much to tell her I was moving on?

I dont know much about this girl here in my town but it's building on something. We're texting a lot more and we've text a whole day without sleeping but I feel like I'm jumping too far in my mind and thinking to positive about this? What if she doesnt like me as much? Then I wouldnt be able to turn to the girl in Canada because it's too late. I've never felt like this ever before for anyone and i dont like these feelings at all. Not saying I'm in love but I'm crushing on her..them(?) sorta say in an Elementary term. I'm just not sure if I wait for her or try to build a relationship with someone who lives only 10 minutes away from my house?
April 8th, 2013 at 12:00am