Navy Life

Yes. I want to be a Navy doctor.
There. I said it.
Not very many people know that. Less than ten.

I finally mustered up all my strength to tell my dad. It's not that I thought he'd be against it, because I know it's quite the opposite. So, there we were, him watching golf while we look at different colleges together that I might attend.

I casually said, "So I think I probably want to be a Navy doctor."
He didn't say anything.
He didn't even turn to look at me.
He started at the tv.
I swear I almost started crying.

But then I thought, maybe I didn't even say anything. Maybe I just imagined saying it. I knew better, though. I couldn't pull myself back together to tell him, again.

I continued scrolling through colleges on my laptop.

Ten minutes passed and my dad turns to me and says, "What did you say about the Navy?"

I. Just. Can't.

* * * * * *
Another bit about this Navy stuff.

My brother, whom I don't get along with, insists that the Navy isn't for girls. Actually, he thinks the entire military isn't for girls.

Once I was talking to my dad about it and my brother overheard and said, "Dad, she can't join the Navy. She's a girl." I wanted to punch him. I didn't, though. I'm not a violent person, I swear. In fact, I just pretended I didn't hear him.

My brother doesn't know that I want to be a Navy doctor. I don't know if I'll tell him. If it's a good day and we're cool when I tell him, he'll flip on me and I'll have to defend my position (about girls in the military). If it's a bad day, we won't even be talking anyways.

Comment if you wish. I like comments.
April 8th, 2013 at 12:35am