Drivers Ed, Hard Drives and Mirrors

So I don't have my drivers license yet because when all my other friends were 16 and out learning to drive, I was committed and too depressed to get out of bed. So Susan, my psychologist, told me that in order to get out of the rut I'm in, I needed to get my life going again. This was the first step to doing that I guess. In Texas if you are between 18 and 24, you just have to take a 6 hour online course and then take the driving part at the DMV and that's it. I finished the online course part which was pretty easy. Boring and such. I got a 90 on the test at the end and now I'm waiting to get my certificate which will be mailed to me within 15 days. I'm very proud of myself. That's the first time in a long time that I can actually say that and mean it.

Other than that, my mom bought me a new 3 terabyte hard drive which is awesome cause I can't download anything now without it yelling at me cause it's so full. My boyfriend is going to put in my computer for me when it gets here. I'm pretty excited about that. Slowly but surely my computer is getting upgraded :3

Uhhm.. hmm lets see.. Oh! I started my first story today. It's called Mirror Mirror and I think it's going to be about a girl who finds a mirror and starts getting delusions and going crazy and the mirror eventually makes her start killing people and all that fun stuff. Not exactly sure yet. We'll see where it goes I guess.

I think that's all I have to say for right now. uuhh so yeah kthxbai.

April 8th, 2013 at 03:43am