>Looks up black girls on Weheartit

>Gets pages and pages of white girls

before people start going cray cray, no, of course i don't mind white girls, but when i'm specifically looking for black girls to serve a purpose and i get nothing but white girls in a black girl tag, of course i'm going to be a little annoyed. let's face it: you see nothing but white girls on all these tags, not only on weheartit, but on tumblr. white girl model shots, white girl hipster shots, the occasional Asian or Hispanic or black girl here and there, but majority white girls.

so when i want to do a girl from another ethnicity or race for once in awhile and i continue to get white girls in a specific race tag, it bothers me. why would people tag the pictures of blatant Caucasian girls as "black girl"? i just . . . why?

this isn't a hate blog. no, i'm not racist. i'm just trying to find girls who more represent me in relation to physical attributes. it shouldnt be this hard to find what i'm looking for on weheartit.

end rant, 'cause yeah. gonna go return to my search.
April 8th, 2013 at 05:23pm