Might be gone for a couple more days.

Sorry guys, I got The Fault in Our Stars and about halfway done but like with work and what not, I haven't been able to complete it yet (as I've had just two days). Anyway, So far, I'm in love with the entire book and how smartass-y everyone is in it. I'll let you all know my full review once I'm completely finished but for now, I am definitely in love with it. Oh, and my only off day this week is Friday (Expect -- hopefully -- lots of updates).

I also just watched the first Hunger Gacmes movie which was amazing. I've read the books which is why I didn't want to watch the movie and there were a couple things here and there that bugged me but oh man, Rue's death and the riot that ensued afterwards made me ball like a baby. Like I was in my room sobbing (I've also been really emotional lately). Anyway, I liked it and I want to marry a boy like Gale.

Uhmm, what else could I possibly put in this? Oh yeah, I might take down my first chapter to [url=http://www.mibba.com/Stories/Read/515876/Memories-of-a-Broken-Romance/1/Memories of a Broken Romance[/url] and switch it to first point of view. What do you all think? I just think it would be better.
April 11th, 2013 at 04:49am