My Review of The Fault in Our Stars + One Direction challenge by Dawn of Light (;

So I am pretty happy today and thought I would share with you all the fact that I finished The Fault in Our Stars and it was so good and I'm just so happy that I had the privilege to read such a great work of fiction. Honestly, I hope that someday, my writing gets as good as John Green. I give him an A++ on that work of art and hope to read more from him (which I totally plan on doing).

Anyway, I've made a couple of videos, one is the review of The Fault in Our Stars while the other is a challenge made by Dawn of Light. THE ONE DIRECTION CHALLENGE (;

Some of the questions will be answered on here because I'm lazy and don't want to edit a video.

1. Favorite Picture of one of the boys.

2. Favorite GIF of them.

3. Favorite shirtless photo.
Mainly, because of Zayn's face ha.

K. So on to the videos of my purddy face :D

Well, the second video won't upload, maybe it will when I get home but yeah. There's my review.

Also, please check out Memories of a Broken Romance. I just rewrote it and am hoping it sounds a lot better in first person. I would love it if you all could check it out. I'd even do a comment swap on it :D
April 11th, 2013 at 09:42pm