I Never Know How To Accept Compliments

So being here on Mibba, random people I've never talked to or met before have been telling me they like things that I've been writing which is so weird to me. I've never done anything really creative to the point where people I didn't know got to see it and comment on it. It's different than having a friend or relative telling you you did good on what you made/wrote but when a stranger does it makes you feel really good inside. Accept when I get complimented I never know how to respond. Of course I try to thank the person but I just feel awkward about not knowing what else to say. I dunno, maybe I'm weird and this probably isn't making much sense.
I'm tired even though I slept all day. I hate that. Ugh.
I don't have much more to say right now cause I just added another chapter to Mirror Mirror and it made me a billion times more tired than I was before. Writing and reading makes me sleepy, dunno why.
Eh anyway, I've not been able to stop listening to Lana Del Rey so I'm gunna go do that and then probably try to sleep some more :3 Have a good day/night/morning/afternoon/evening/whatever to anyone who reads this.

April 12th, 2013 at 07:40am