Guys. Guys. Guys.
My micro class got cancelled for tomorrow, which means I have the whole day off! This never ever happens so, you know, yay for me!
Agenda for tomorrow includes: visit Katie in her cave, finish my lab for chem, and write my updates for Sunshine and Indian Summer. Super exciting, right? I basically have nothing to do. Yes.
So, instead of doing something productive like getting a life or a head start on my paper, I have decided I'm going to spend a good portion of the day reading stories and writing reviews for the Mibba Magazine! That's where you guys come in.
I need you guys to recommend stories for me to read and review! Recommend me your favorite stories or just something you think needs a little more love! I will pretty much give everything a chance, but if I'm going to review it, it can't be rated NC-17.
I'll be writing my reviews all day tomorrow and my goal is to reach 10 but I'm hoping to reach even more!
So, yeah, rec away! Rec your favorite story, your best friend's story, something you think will tickle my fancy, or even something of your own. The new rule is if you rec something of your own, you have to be really freaking nice, because hello. I can't even count the number of times people have been rude about reccing their own stuff and I'm like you have to love me first.
It's not guaranteed that your story will get a review if you recommend it. Since I can only review a certain number of stories, I'm going to pick my favorites!
Also, if you want me to possibly review it, as opposed to just reading it, you have to let me know, because Katie had someone get mad at her for reviewing their story. And if it is someone else's story, I'm gonna message them before I write the review. But still, rec away!