That great feeling that makes you warm and fuzzy inside

I'm sitting here, taking a break from studying and watching my step-daughter sleep soundly next to me. Things in my life seem to be all over the place. just when the i thought that everything was alright, things fell apart around me and every now and then, i find myself feeling suffocated.

But then, something comes around to make me see the light in all the darkness that surrounds me.

My writing is a big part of my life. Like many of us, writing is my escape when the world is too much with me. I can pour a lot of my feelings into what i write so i don't self-destruct. To know that my writing inspires others makes me feel amazing. Every writer wants to know that they affect others and i'm no exception to that. It gives me a sense of pride to know that my writing invokes so many emotions in others and it just fuels me to write more.

At some point, i've stopped writing for myself. It's not me anymore is it? It's you, it's them, it's everyone else. The moment it's published online, whether it be chapter by chapter for a full-length or a one-shot, it's no longer just for me. It's for anyone that wants to read, wants to be taken to another world.

I love writing, breathing life into a character with words. It's truly a gratifying thing knowing that i can create something from nothing at all. Whether you love the character, hate the character, cry for them, laugh with's all the same. Those characters are me, they're you, they're someone you know because something about them will reflect something in you or your life. We can relate to characters in stories or movies because at the end of the day, don't we pour ourselves into our characters? Each one that we create has a little piece of us in them. That's what makes them unique.

My characters are a reflection of myself. Some of the situations they are in are some that i've been in myself. They are me as much as i am them.

Most of my writing features the guys of Avenged Sevenfold. There's a reason i chose them. Not only has their music influenced me through the last 7 years of my life, they are so unique. But the beauty of using them, for me at least, is the fact that they're so different. I can give them whatever personality i want to, i can give them whatever strengths and weaknesses i choose. I don't know any of these men, i don't know anything about their lives, but i find myself able to use them as my characters because i can breathe life into them. Give them my own personal twist.

I just wanted to give you guys a little insight into me. It doesn't usually happen and for that, i apologize.

All My Love,
April 15th, 2013 at 01:42am