My thoughts are with the victims of the bombings in Boston.

If you haven't heard, at 2:50pm today, April 15, 2013, two explosions happened right as a group of people participating in the Boston Marathon crossed the finish line. After reports of bomb threats at the JFK Library, another explosion happened. There were no confirmed casualties with this one. However, as of right now, two people are confirmed dead and there are at least 22 injured resulting in the original two bombings.

Police have confirmed that they do have a suspect in custody who is of Arabic descent. No word yet if this is related to Al-Quada yet.

People are fucking sick. What do you get out of hurting innocent people? Nothing. Fucking nothing. I hope whoever is behind this burns in hell. Same goes to the people making jokes about the explosion. For those people -- just put yourself in the victims shoes. What if it was one of your friends or family members injured in the explosion? Would you still laugh? Probably not. Before I start swearing at everyone, I'm gonna stop this post.

My thoughts and prayers are with the victims out in Boston. And if you live out that way, stay safe for me. Watch your backs.
April 16th, 2013 at 12:07am