Yesterday, I filled my day off with writing reviews and ended up writing ten of them. I don't care what anyone says; I'm super proud of that that's a lot. Yes.
So, what better way to fill my break today than by writing more reviews?! I don't have near as much time today, so I'm only going to write five. Which is still a lot. Yes.
But, the new rule is if I review your story, you basically have to build a shrine to me. I don't feel like that's too much to ask. I'm a college student, so I'm not exactly overflowing with free time (except today), so if I take the time to write a nice pretty little review for your story, you basically need to react like Da Real Barak Obama did.
She's perf and it's the only acceptable reaction, so... deal?
With all that being said, I need some recommendations on stories all you Mibbians think I should review! I'm going to do five today, but I would love a ton of recs so I have lots to choose from If I don't get a bunch of recs, I'll probably just review Katie's stuff like I usually do because I love her and amen.
The only rule is that the stories cannot be rated NC-17!
Rec away ♥