I am a terrible excuse for a writer.

I am so sorry to everyone who has been keeping an eye out for story updates. I'm almost done with my spring 2013 semester but it's been killer. I had two 8 week online classes on top of my 3 in person classes. So I was taking Cultural Anthropology (8 wk online), Women's Studies (8 wk online and basically a feminist class that I wanted to shoot myself over), Chemistry 1, Mammalogy, and Evolution. I'm still taking Chem, Mammalogy, and Evolution. On the plus side though my Mammalogy and Evolution classes end April 30th and May 3rd. My Chemistry class ends on May 13th. I've had to focus so much time and work on these classes I'm barely getting any sleep. I'm supposed to be working on a 10 page paper for my Mammalogy class but instead I'm trying to get an update out to my precious readers. On top of school I'm working part time. I mean, I barely see my own boyfriend; once a week or once every other week if we're lucky. I've been physically, mentally, emotionally drained. Anyway to be drained, I'm drained. I'm running on barely any sleep. I'm ridiculously cranky, yelling at everyone and anyone. I'm almost always on the brink of tears from being overwhelmed. Yeah, not fun. I hope you all understand as to why it's been so long since updates!

As for my Andy story...I lost the fucking flash drive that has the story. Albeit, I was only half way through the next chapter but that's still progress that is somewhere (hopefully) in my house. We have acquired another kitten off the road, making for a total of 6 cats and one dog in the house with my parents and myself. So the flash drive could be anywhere. It's been lost for I don't even know how long, but it's lost. I've got my fingers crossed I can find it when school ends because then I can dedicate time to tearing the house apart for it!

Hopefully I haven't lost any readers or subscribers, because let's face it...that would break my heart. Please stay by my side and be understanding!

-Kikki Rixx ;*
April 17th, 2013 at 05:12am