Playing the Questions

Why not give it a try? :)


Shoe Size?
women's 9/10

Sexual Orientation?

Do you Smoke?

Do you Drink?
Some Wine Occasionally

Do you Take Drugs?

Age you get mistaken for?
Doesn't really happen

Have Tattoos?
One on my hip, it's a turtle with a peace sign for a shell.

Want any tattoos?
Yes at least two, I don't know what yet, but I do know I want one on my shoulder blade for sure.

Got any Piercings?
I have two ear piercings.

Want any piercings?
I've always wanted spider bites but am too scared to get them. I think I'll get more ear piercings, but not too many.

Best friend?
My best friend is Alie, but best friend is too small for our friendship, she is my sister.

Relationship status?
Engaged, hopefully will happen after my senior year of college.

Biggest fears?
Failure, all my efforts and everyone's efforts around me being wasted.

A fact about your personality?
I am awkward, but super caring.

What I love most about myself?
My funkiness.

A description of the girl/boy I like?
He has a beard and long but not too long hair, he's silly like me and caring of me, and he is super sexy.

Where I work?
My brain

What I hate the most about school?
Studying and taking classes that are unnecessary

What my last text message says?

What words upset me the most?
"nigga and faggot"

What words make me feel the best about myself?
Awesome, I love you, Cool beans

Where I would like to live?
Colorado or Canada

My childhood career choice?

Who I wish I could be?
Kimya Dawson's best friend and Elton John's close neice

Grab the book nearest to you. What is the first sentence of the third paragraph of the 6th page?
"Convert DNA to mRNA" - My notes for A&P

What is the poster nearest to you?
A school poster about managing stress

What was the first CD you bought?

What was the first song you heard of your favorite band?
Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy

What was the first album you bought from your favourite band?
I haven't bought any of their albums, but I bought The Boy With the Arab Hat by Belle and Sebastian and they're another of my favorites

What is your guilty pleasure [movie, book, song]?
Sugar Rush theme song from Wreck-It-Ralph

How would you murder your victims?
In their sleep

What would you do if you were a ghost?
Cry and then go find other ghosts and make friends

What is a super power you wish you had?
invisibility, knowledge, and telepathy

What is something from your daily routine?
Kissing my fiance goodnight

What is your biggest unpopular opinion?
my nose

What is an instrument you hated playing?
I love playing instruments....

Where would you time travel to and what would you do there?
to 1969 and the early 70's and I would travel with the hippies and protest and live the experience

Favourite: Things to put in a sandwich?
My mom's tuna salad, lettuce, and tomatoes

Favourite: Object in your room?
dorm: My James Dean and Marilyn Monroe Poster My room at home: My parents loveseat from the 80's

Favourite: Shoe you own?
My chucks (always)

Favourite: Band member?
Hayley Williams

Favourite: Song by your favourite artist?
Walk Like Thunder by Kimya Dawson

Favourite: Ship to hate?
....I don't really hate any yet

Favourite: Memory?
Christmas with my family
April 17th, 2013 at 06:26am