This Sounds Fun

I just saw Holmes and Watson's information about her blog and knew I had to do it! Does anyone really care? No! But am I doing it anyway? Yes, so strap in!

5'5" or 5'6" ish?

Shoe Size:

Sexual Orientation
Asexual (Heteromantic)

Do you Smoke?

Do You Drink?

Do You Take Drugs?

Age You Get Mistaken For
People just seem to know I'm 17

Have Tattoos:

Want Any Tattoos?
Most definitely! The tattoo I want is still being decided though.

Got Any Piercings?
Just ears

Want Any Piercings?
Yes, I'd love to pierce my nose.

Best Friend?

Relationship Status

Biggest Fears
Deep water, dying, being lost.

A Fact About Your Personality
I'm terrible about putting my foot in my mouth.

What I Love Most About Myself
My fingers. Is that weird? It's just that with my fingers I can type and play the flute and fingernails are really fun to paint.

A Description of the Boy/Girl I Like
Tall. SUPER tall. Not afraid to speak his mind, and generally finds some of the things I say funny.

Where I Work
Unemployed for the moment.

What I Hate Most About School
The pressure to stay on top of everything.

What My Last Text Message Said
"Punch those idiots in the nose!"

What Words Upset Me the Most
Useless, nasty, pig, fat.

What Words Make Me Feel the Best about Myself
"You're such a good girl."

Where I would like to Live
Italy or France.

My Childhood Career Choice
Witch (That's all I remember ever wanting to be)

Who I Wish I could Be
Anybody else

Grab the book nearest to you. What is the first sentence of the third paragraph of the 6th page?
"Per-iod!" from Carrie

What is the Poster Nearest to You
No posters, but there is a picture of my great grandmother.

What Was the First CD You Bought
Scooby Doo and the Witches Ghost soundtrack

What Was the First Song You Heard of Your Favorite Band?
Be My Friend

What Was the First Album You Bought From Your Favorite Band?

What is Your Guilty Pleasure [Book, Movie, Song]?
Bride Day on TLC, Guy Code (even though I'm a girl), and Mini Moni

How Would You Murder Your Victims
Saw style

What Would You Do if you Were a Ghost?
Scare the living crap out of everyone I know

What is a Super Power you Wish you Had?
Something stereotypical, like flight or invisibility

What is Something From Your Daily Routine?
Braiding my hair

What is Your Biggest Unpopular Opinion?
I don't really have one

What is an Instrument You Hated Playing?
Well I tried the violin once, can't play it to save my life

Where Would You Time Travel to And What Would You do There?
I'd go back to the beginning and start over

Favorite: Things to Put On a Sandwich

Favorite: Object in Your Room
Record player

Favorite: Shoe You Own
My "plague rat" flats

Favorite: Band Member
Kimberly Freeman

Favorite: Song By Favorite Artist
As of this moment it's Heavy in Your Arms by Florence and the Machine

Favorite: Ship to Hate

Favorite: Memory
The day I first read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

This was fun! Everyone else should do one
April 19th, 2013 at 07:15pm