He could have ruined everything for me.

So, the boy that I was officially going out with, the one I decided just might be worth getting to know, the one I never lied to, yeah he's sixteen. I'm so mad because his father called me at work and I called them back like two days ago. His mother called me back and asked why I called (in this rude tone) and I told her that I was just trying to figure out what was going on and she said, "I'll tell you what's going on. I don't know what Brian's seventeen - no, better, he's about to be seventeen. He's gotten his phone taken away so you don't need to try and talk to him."

Whoa. I wasn't going to after that information.

He knew that I want to be a teacher. You can't be a teacher when a big fat word called Pedophile is slapped on your record, no matter the circumstances. He lied about his age, probably lied about his job and liking skunks and books and then the super cool grandma. I feel like I was catfished and I'm so angry about it. Like I don't care about age but you could have been honest broski.

On top of that, I can't take off any more days off work so I can't go to Texas with my sister and her friend 'cause they're looking at it as a freaking vacation and are looking to stay for a week when I only asked for three days. She knew I asked for three days and all of a sudden she's looking to stay a week and didn't give me enough time to ask off like thanks. I'm so hurt 'cause she knew going to Texas meant a lot to me and now she's acting like I'm a b-tch 'cause I said I'm not going if it means I lose my job.

I'm looking for an apartment that week I guess and then I'm moving out because it's just ridiculous the way she treats me. I can't have friends, I can't visit my grandma and get a little help (get new clothes or a blanket) without her making me feel like I just agreed to be a Nazi, I can't even write or read because she feels like I'm ignoring her or don't want to be around her. Like it's ridiculous. I'm almost twenty, it's time to get my own place and be able to let my creative mind go crazy because having to wake up at four in the morning just to be able to write isn't working out.
April 20th, 2013 at 07:03pm