Down With Slut Shaming!

While I was scrolling through random pictures on Pinterest in the humor category, I came across this one photo of a girl. This girl named Laci Green.
I never knew about this girl until I clicked on this picture. I automatically opened a new tab to Youtube just to watch Laci Green’s videos. This girl has spun my views differently. As I sat on the spinning wheel, she swung me around from viewing the playground to seeing the open field. Although most of her videos have her just teaching about sex and contraceptives, she does do a few videos that are based on how most of society thinks nowadays. One of Laci’s videos has her talking about society set on this craze called “Slut Shaming”.

“Slut is a derogatory term used to degrade women’s sexuality.”

Yes, I have called girls sluts many before. I was young and stupid (I still am, but I’ve grown a little since then… I think?). It still doesn’t make it right, though. I shouldn’t judge another on their sex life choices. I mean, why should I have to be worried about their sex life? It’s none of my business if they have one or not, or who they choose to have it with. How Laci defines “Slut Shaming” best is when she has a response to a Jenna Marbles video (a famous Youtuber). The video link:

“Slut shaming is when we insult a woman because she expresses her sexuality in the way we don’t like or approve of.”

I love the definition because it’s so true to every single word. Anyone can express their sexuality in many ways, such as clothing, make-up and hair. I would like to emphasize about how some women are perceive just by what they wear (even men as well, only they wouldn’t be seen as “sluts”). If a woman chooses to wear an outfit that shows a bit more flesh than the average conservative would, some people automatically deem the woman to be “loose” or a “slut”. You don’t know how many partners she has had, if she even had any!

I wish society would learn to stop judging the image on the outside rather than on the inside. A person is more than just their sexuality, and if they choose to express their sexuality they shouldn’t have to be degraded for it.

(Laci Green has a bunch of awesome videos for teenagers to understand more about their bodies and their sexual health. I would recommend her videos to anyone because they have truly helped me understand more about myself and my body).
April 21st, 2013 at 09:03am