Who is your FEMALE Kpop bias?

I just randomly thought about how people never mention their female Kpop biases. Its not like you're announcing your bisexual/homosexual(which is totally chill if you are) if you say you have a female bias. I do! Not very many, but I do. Granted, I don't listen to the girls' side of Kpop often...

So I figured its time to shine a light on the girls we love in Kpop! Why not? Yeah, they're nearly perfect in appearance and it makes me depressed to be looking at such beauty, but they're still awesome.

My ultimate Kpop female bias is...:
Ain't she drop dead gorgeous? And like one of the greatest dancers in Kpop. "Eat You Up" is one of my favorite songs. She's not overly girly and that's why I love her. She's a total badass.

Girls Generation:
Let's go the opposite end of the spectrum, shall we? I really get freaked out by the whole aeygo act but Sunny is fucking adorable. I just can't deny it. Excuse the language.

This was a hard choice. I love all four of them from 2NE1, but Dara's just awesome. Part of it might be her sexy brother, Thunder. What? >.>

Brown Eyed Girls:
I just learned her name before I made this blog. She's a beast. Really I'm only basing this off "Abracadabra" and her song "Dirty", but STILL.

Who are you female Kpop biases?
April 23rd, 2013 at 10:37pm