So, I check my email after school, having applied for a position in Mibba's magazine, and see an email from Mibba. Well I checked it because I had 8 emails. The following is what it said

Hello Tatsujin Satsujin!

This week's newsletter features the TV show Supernatural, a contest about secrets, and the thread to go to if you're trying to get fit. Don't forget to read the important reminders section, as there are some new rules you should be aware of!

What's new?

Mibba has recently launched another mini site. This one is for Supernatural fan fiction, which means it's based on the TV show and not just anything related to supernatural beings. If you're a fan, check it out and post your stories on there too!

Supernatural fan fiction

The Rec Section


The featured contest this week is the Post Secret Picture Contest, and with a good selection of prizes it's sure to grab your attention. This contest is based on pictures of secrets that people have posted on the internet, and you have to write a story or poem based on the secret you choose. The deadline is June 6th, so you have plenty of time to think about your entry.

Post Secret Picture Contest


Amplified is a fan fiction about the show Supernatural, and is set in season one. The heroine, Aiden, has a hunter as a father who has recently gone missing, just like the Winchesters. Once she bumps into Dean, the ball gets rolling and you're sure to be enticed to read more.



The poem you must read this week is Trust. With just six stanzas, it conveys heartbreak and disappointment about someone who has broken another person's trust. It's easy to relate to, and the writing style is wonderful.



Getting Fit for 2013 is a thread that users can use to discuss weight loss and get motivation from other participating people. If you're interested in getting fitter, head over there and leave a post!

Getting Fit for 2013

A Friendly Reminder!


Unfortunately, there have been a rather large number of bashing incidents recently on Mibba. It is against the site rules to harass, insult, or in any way abuse another Mibbian, their opinion, a celebrity, a book, a film, etc. Expressing opinions is okay, but this must be done in a constructive fashion and not be offensive. For example, it is okay to leave a comment on someone's story saying "I think you need to work on your descriptive writing", but it is not okay to say "You're a terrible writer". Bashing can end in a banning from Mibba. If you spot anyone doing it, do not confront them, and instead report it to a staff member via PM. (Please keep in mind that the "Report" buttons are still non-functional, so PM-ing is the only way to report things.)

New Article Rules

The article section has acquired some new rules that come into effect immediately. Any swearing in the article's content must now be censored. Profanity is only allowed in articles if it's in a quote because articles are formal pieces of writing, but now you are required to censor it. Also, no profanity is allowed in the article's title or lead, regardless of whether or not it is censored. If you're uncertain about these new rules, or have any questions, don't hesitate to ask an Article Editor.

If you need more information, you can always find Mibba's rules in the Knowledge Base.

SO. The thing says 'Mibba Newsletter' and wait so WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?? Does this mean I am part of the magazine? I am just sitting here like WTF???? I'm worried and scared!! Worried I won't make it, and scared that I did. (Makes no sense but WHO CARES?) SO what do I do?? Can someone like a moderator or admin or something help me?? -.-
April 23rd, 2013 at 11:14pm