I've decided to become more active + About me question thing

As the title says I have decided to be more active on here. I don't want to be a ghost around here anymore. Seriously I come to this every day, I creep in the blog or story section for a while then leave. Sometimes I don't bother to log into my account, because what's the point. I have no friends on here, no one to talk to. But then why should that stop me? When I first signed up for this site, all I wanted was to share my stories and maybe get some feedback on it. After that first couple months, though, I started finding some of the writers on here intimidating. They were better than me. They got more feedback than me. They had more stories posted than me. And I'd look at my own writing and think 'this is utter crap compared to theirs', and I didn't try to better my writing. Every time I tried to sit down and write something I didn't like it. (Admittedly, though, I don't know if my writing has gotten any better than what it was about five years ago.)

In the past I think that was literally keeping me from posting any of my stories or write a blog like I wanted. I guess I was afraid of what people thought of me. I was scared that I'd be judged before anyone got to know me, which now seems pretty silly considering no one knows me. I shouldn't care what people think of me. And I'll be honset right now I'm a bit scared to post this blog, but I'm going to do it anyway. Later I'll feel... what's the word. Embarrassed? I dunno. I just want to write for fun and for myself like I used to. And I'm trying to do that. Right now I've got three stories planned and I'm going to write them soon. I don't know whether or not I want to post them on here.
I dunno if people are still doing this about me question thing, but I'm going to do it anyway.

Height: I actually don't know my excat height, but I do know I'm 5 foot something.

Shoe Size: Seven and a half

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Do you smoke: No

Do you drink: No

Do you take drugs: No, but I do drank a lot of soda.

Age you get mistaken for: Sixteen

Have any tattoos: No

Want any tattoos: I'd actually like to get a tattoo of the sign of the Deathly Hollows on my left inner wrist, since that's where I like to draw it. I'd also like to get the quote "Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home". I just don't know where I'd want it.
Have any piercings: No

Best Friend: I don't have a best friend.

Relationship Status: Single

Biggest Fear: I'll have to get back to you on that one.

A fact about your personality: I'm shy.

What I love most about myself: Er, I dunno.

A description of the boy I like: At the moment there isn't a boy in my life I fancy. But I would like to find a boy who can put up with my shyness, love for cats and Harry Potter, and give me space when I want it. (Unlike my ex.)

Where I work: I'm currently unemployed.

What I hate most about school: I loathed the teachers who thought aggersiveness and sending my to the front office would "help" get me out of my shyness. I siriusly think they made it worse.

What my last text message says: I don't own a cell phone.

What words upset my the most: Er, I dunno.

What words make me feel the best about myself: I actually don't have any.

Where I would like to live: If I didn't want to live too far away from my parents, I'd probably live somewhere in London. I've always wanted to go there.

My childhood career choice: I wanted to be a teacher. Now I want to be an author.

Who I wish I could be: I don't know. I actually like being myself. Why would I want someone else's life?

Grab the book nearest to you. What is the first sentence of the third paragraph of the 6th page: He let himself into the cavernous kitchen.

What is the poster nearest to you: A Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows poster.

What was the first CD you bought: If I recall correctly it was a Backstreet Boys CD.

What was the first song you heard from your favorite band: I want it that way - Backstreet Boys

What is your guilty pleasure [movie, book, song,]: Oh God, I can't believe I'm actually going to admit to this, but it's definitely Justin Bieber. Every time ones of songs comes on the radio I have to turn it up.

What was the first album you bought of your favorite band: Millenium - Backstreet Boys

How would you murder your victims: Oh, come on I can't kill a person, I'd fell extermally bad if I ever did. Heck, I can't even kill a little bug without feeling bad, because what if that bug had a family. (On a sirius note, if I could kill a person without feeling remorseful about it, I'd probably stab them. Or shoot them. Or chop them up into pieces with an ax and dip the pieces into a barrell of acid.)

What would you do if you were a ghost: I would have fun scaring people. I would whisper things in their ears. I would take something important they needed and hide it, and I'd watch as they search frantically for it. Then later that night when they're sleeping I'd throw whatever it was they were looking for at them. And when they open their eyes to see what was thrown at them, I'd be inches from their face, and I'd say "boo" then vanish. I'd have so much fun being a ghost.

What is a super power you wish you had: Invisibility.

What is something from your daily rountine: Lately I have been watching a lot of Alex Day videos on YouTube. He is one funny man. Right now I'm listening to one of his songs. It's actually my favorite one from him.

What is your biggest unpopular opinion: That Twilight is one of the greatest books ever written and it'll be a classic one day. Also that Stephenie Meyer is a literary genius. (I have actually seen Twilight fans proclaiming this online.)

What is an intrument you hated playing: I know how to play the flute, but I never hated playing it.

Where would you time travel to and what would you do: I'd definitely time travel to the 1880s England. As for what I'd do there, I have no idea.

Favorite: Things to put on a sandwich: Probably mayonnaise

Favorite: Object in your room: Probably my television since it's practically on 24/7.

Favorite: Band member: I actually don't have one.

Favorite: Song by your favorite artist: Siriusly, that's a tough one. I have so many. For now I'll have to go with Holding on - Alex Day. (And not because I have been listening to this song for the past hour.)

Favorite: Ship to hate: I actually don't hate any ships.

Favorite: Memory: I don't really have a favorite memory.
April 24th, 2013 at 02:55am