My Opinion.

Today on my newsfeed on Facebook, I saw a post that said "A liberal "journalist" made the following title 'The Boston Bombers were Muslim: so?' Alternatives to this title may include:" and then followed by listing all of the bombings done by Muslims. I find this incredibly offensive and prejudiced.

Every religious group has some 'extremist nuts'. I understand that the tragedy is still fresh, the hurt is still blazing, and I'm NOT trying to demean that. I'm saying that it's a tragedy in itself to point fingers at one religious group when almost ALL of them have committed wrongs themselves at one point or another. The shooters at Columbine were brought up Lutheran. The sickening group that pickets the funerals of innocent people are doing so in the name of 'God' and follow the Baptist religion. Everyone knows of the multiple crimes against humanity committed by the Catholic church, especially the 'Holy Inquisitions'. Adolf Hitler was a Christian. TJ Lane wasn't a Muslim. Adam Lanza wasn't a Muslim.

There's no actual proof that this was a religious bombing. Maybe we should focus more on the mental status and put more effort into getting people the help they need before it escalates to the point of a tragedy. We shouldn't discriminate against the Muslim people as a whole because of a few extremists. We would be hypocrites. And I, for one, am ashamed.
April 24th, 2013 at 04:50am