The life of a procrastinator

Any of you guys a procrastinator? Well your not alone. I'm like one of the biggest procrastinators ever. I mean I'm sure there are people 10x worse than me, but it gets pretty bad for me. I wouldn't be so lazy if I had some motivation. Like with writing, I feel motivated to continue a story. Especially when I get readers and subscribers. It makes me feel good. But when I don't, its like, what's the point, no one is going to read it. If I have to clean my room, it takes me almost two hours because I do it so slow. If have to clean it to go somewhere, it gets clean wayyyyy faster. For school, I have ZERO motivation. I know messing up right now is going to cost me later. I would get the greatest grades in school if I did my homework. But no, I can't. I get too distracted or tired. I hate homework. Its SOOOOOO ANNOYING! Like who invented homework. I go to school eight hours a day, so why do the teachers think I want to do homework for three more hours? I don't. I just ask God that he gives me some motivation in life. Please.
April 24th, 2013 at 07:12pm