Time changes things a lot.

Reading back three years ago, I seem like an entirely different person. It's hard to believe that I used to spend my free time going to house parties and smoking more weed than one person should be able to stomach at one time. These days, I spend most of my time chasing after a wee little man and trying to save enough money so that I can start school this summer.
Life creeps up on you way too quickly.
I was so happy-go-lucky back in the day. So ready for life and whatever it had to throw at me - or so I thought.
I met (we'll call him this as a privacy concern) JP at a show that I actually wrote about on this blog three years ago. I didn't pay him much mind at the time, but a year later, he showed back up in my life, and things sort of went haywire from there. Four months into our relationship, I ended up pregnant. We ended up causing a lot of emotional damage to one another, first my doing, and then it just kind of slammed us back and forth for a long time. We got back together only a few months before our son was born. That was an adventure. It was pretty much hell for a long time. The only source of happiness in our relationship was our son. So earlier this year, I ended it again.
We're working it out now. Living separately, trying to revisit the reasons we had gotten together in the first place. I liked him because he knew me, because he listened to what I had to say even when it was drawn out and unnecessary. He was talented, and I was talented, and we were good together.
Well. This is my life now. A lot less embellishment, a lot more cold hard fact, but sometimes, that's how it works.
April 26th, 2013 at 05:08am