Troubles... :(

So my boyfriend and I have been dating almost 3 years and I am a super jealous person. But I don't go overboard telling him he can't do things, that is just stupid.

In this past year I have noticed that he has been talking to other girls on Facebook more than once, it wasn't conversations that he would have with someone he likes or anything but it still makes me mad that he does it. He even compliments them and shit like that. I've told him and told him that I don't like that he does that...and doesn't listen to me.

Today I was putting pictures up on his page like he wanted me to do and this girl popped up on his messages saying "I wish the best for you too, oh btw I got my License Monday" ....and the rest of the messages that him and her exchanged were deleted. >.>

I'm little say the least. Good thing he isn't home because I would have asked about it.....meaning I would have completely went off on him yet again.

What would that message mean?

I don't know :/ I'm confused.
April 28th, 2013 at 12:26am